Phillip Stearns produces both physical and intangible works, performances, and experiences using electronic media. His work with “Glitch Textiles” is a unique hybrid of traditional weaving and contemporary new media art. His practice spans several disciplines from creative coding and physical computing to interactive light and sound installations, computational weaving to performances using light and sound. Phillip will be performing live on April 27th as part of the LEAF2018: Pattern Language event at The Colorado Music Festival & Center for Musical Arts. He will perform LFSR, an improvised audio-visual work that explores the sonic and visual aesthetics of primitive computational operations.
Based in Brooklyn, NY, Stearns’s work is centered on the use of electronic technologies and electronic media to explore dynamic relationships between ideas and material as mobilized within complex and interconnected societies. Deconstruction, reconfiguration, and extension are key methodologies and techniques employed in the production or works that range from audio visual performances, electronic sculptures, light and sound installation, digital textiles, and other oddities both digital and material.
Stearns recently had his glitch textiles fabrics used in the Dior Cruise collection. His work has been exhibited internationally at electronics arts festivals, museums, and galleries including: MediaLive 2013; Turku Biennial 2013, WRO Biennale 2013, Transmediale 2013, Denver Art Museum (2013), The Photographer’s Gallery London (2012), The Camera Club of New York (2012), Eyebeam (2012, 2007), Harvestworks (2010, 2012); 2112; and more.