Artists Name: David Fodel
Brief Bio: David Fodel has worked with electronic media and sound since the late 1970’s, exploring ways of building audiovisual systems and instruments that exhibit unexpected behaviors emerging from relatively simple interactions. His latest work is inspired by early 20th century Soviet art + technology experiments, along with hybrid analog/digital imaging techniques to create man-machine entanglements bridging science, history, art and magic.
His eclectic installations, live media performances, award-winning sound design and video works have been exhibited, screened, and performed internationally. His work has been written about in Wired Magazine, and published by the Experimental Television Center, New Media Caucus, Post-Screen Festival, and Sekans Cinema Journal. Residencies include the NCCA, Moscow; STEIM, Amsterdam, and the Experimental Television Center and Signal Culture in New York.
About the Works: Pattern Language VII, Watercolor, and Berlin S-Bahn all explore pattern, repetition and movement from different sources of inspiration – natural, architectural, and technological – investigating commonalities in their unique syntax.
“For LEAF 2021 the opportunity to see these artworks at the scale the wall allows is essentially what animated the entire festival. Each of the works I am showing explores some formal aspect of that quality of scale – dynamic movement across the horizontal plane, color, value, repetition and variation, and the interrelatedness of sound and image. It’s very exciting to get the chance to see all of the participating artists’ response to the wall”.